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2015-05-12 01:13

摘要: 网络时代的飞速发展改变了人们的消费习惯,网络营销应势而生。网络营销因具有快捷高效的巨大优势,势必导致其销售手段的多样化和成熟化,C2C便是其中发展极快的1种模式。价格是网络营销中复杂和困难的问题之1,对于企业、消费者以及中间商都是很敏感的话题。在C2C模式下的网络营销发展仍未成熟的情况下,企业究竟该采用什么样的价格策略才能最终获胜?值得我们深入研究。本文从争夺中国C2C网络营销大蛋糕份额的淘宝和易趣这两个商务平台巨头入手,对淘宝和易趣的两种不同价格策略进行比较分析,得出中国C2C网络营销价格策略的发展趋势,并提出C2C网络营销价格策略走向中怎样保持健康发展的建议。

关键字: C2C;网络营销;价格策略

Comparative analysis of pricing strategy of network market under C2C model
Abstract :Network era of rapid development changes people consumption habits.With quick and efficient tremendous advantages,  redefine the scope of the market, changing patterns of competition in the market. C2C is developing very quickly.In order to profit in the competition, Enterprises taks a different pricing strategy. Network Marketing price is complex and difficult problem, to the enterprises, consumers and brokers are very sensitive topic. However, in C2C model of network marketing  has not yet ripe for development, which kind of strategy can finally won worth studying.Deserves to be studied in depth.To contend C2C of China Network Marketing, Taotao and eBay is the two giants in the commerce platform for the market,for attratacting users by free and fee pricing strategy. This paper analysis the different pricing strategies between Taotao and eBay, then advises the development trend and the healthy development about Chinese C2C network marketing strategy.

Keywords: C2C;Network Marketing;Price Strategy (科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)

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