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摘 要:电子商务活动是国际贸易领域里1场深刻的商业革命。它打破了时空的局限,显著地改变着人们长期以来习惯的各种传统贸易形式,其迅速发展给国际贸易方式带来了巨大的影响。在电子商务迅猛发展的今天,中国企业应该采取积极的对策,实行国际贸易方式创新,才能在激烈地国际竞争中发展自己。本文系统地分析了国际贸易方式创新的必然性和经济性,并从单证流转流程、市场营销方式、付款、运输与企业业务流程等方面展开研究电子商务时代国际贸易方式的创新途径,并在此基础上探索了中国企业如何抓住机遇,采取策略应对这种变化。本文重点在于分析电子商务时代国际贸易方式的创新途径和我国企业应采取的对策。
关键词:电子商务; 国际贸易方式; 创新
Study on the innovation of methods in international trade in the era of EC and the countermeasures adopted by Chinese enterprises
Abstract: The development of EC (Electronic commerce) is a profound commercial revolution in the fields of international trade. EC have break through the limitation of time、place and dramatically changed the traditional form of trade which be customary with people for a long time. It’s development will inevitably bring magnitude influence to the methods of international trade. Confronting the global and new methods in international trade,Chinese enterprises must adopt some positive countermeasure to further the development of trade methods,and then can fast it’s development in the heated competition. In this paper, first, the inevitability and economy of innovation in international methods was explained in system, and then explored the way of innovation of international methods from the aspect of document transfer、process、marketing、way of payment and transportation. Finally explored Chinese enterprise how to catch the chance and adopt some strategy to meet the change. The paper mainly discussed the way of innovation of international trade methods and the countermeasure adopted by Chinese enterprises.
Keywords: electronic commerce ; innovation ; international trade methods (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)