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2015-05-08 02:17

摘要:随着旅游业的发展和Internet 在社会掀起的热潮,旅行社开始将互联网技术引入到企业的经营管理中。通过实地调查,济宁市的旅行社也跟随这股潮流,部分规模较大的旅行社相继建立企业网站,但济宁市的多数旅行社网站主要是用于宣传和促销,还未开始真正的电子商务,其实用性还远远不够,因此对济宁市旅行社电子商务的应用进行研究具有很大的价值,以便了解济宁市旅行社对电子商务的应用程度,从而能对旅行社电子商务产品与服务的改进有所启示。本文是研究济宁市旅行社电子商务应用的1个尝试。全文共分3部分。第1部分简单介绍了旅行社发展电子商务的意义。第2部分对济宁市旅行社电子商务的应用情况进行了分析,找出其中存在着增值服务能力低,客户关系管理处于1个初级发展阶段等问题。第3部分针对上述问题提出了解决措施。

关键字:电子商务; 旅行社; 济宁市
Research on E- commerce application of travel agencies’ in Jining City
Abstract: With the development of tourism and the ware of Internet in the society, travel agencies begin to introduce Internet technology into the management of enterprise. Based on the investigation of Jining City on the spot, most of travel agencies have been following this trend and set up websites. However, most of them are mainly for publicity and promotion, it is not the real e-commerce and it’s relevance is not enough, therefore, the study of the application of E- commerce has great value,so as  to understand the application of E- commerce,and enlightens the improvement of commevcial products and services of travel agency. The paper is an attempt of studying the application of travel agencies in Jining City and is composed of three parts. Part one introduces the significance of the electronic commerce of developing E- commerce in travel agency ;Part two analyzes the situation of appling E- commerce in Jining’s travel agencies and discovers some problems,such as poor ability of increment service,the CRM is in a primary phase and so on.The third part takes some measure to solve the problems above.

Keywords : E-commerce;  travel agents ;  Jining City


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