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2015-05-09 01:22

[摘 要]物流配送是电子商务环境下连锁0售业中非常重要的环节,电子商务对物流配送带来了冲击和影响并促使物流配送的发展。通过分析我国连锁0售业物流配送的现状及特点,可以得出物流配送制约着我国连锁0售业的发展。在对几种物流配送模式进行分析的基础上,探索适合我国连锁0售业发展物流配送模式:中小型连锁0售企业以外包为主、与供应商协作实现“双赢”的物流运作模式、大型连锁企业以自建为主外包为辅的综合物流模式。影响我国连锁0售业模式的因素很多,连锁0售企业在模式选择时还要注意解决配送中存在的3个问题:配送服务标准化问题、配送服务个性化问题、沟通的信用成本问题。
[关键词] 电子商务;0售业;物流配送模式

The Research about the Logistics delivery mold of retail chain in China in E-commerce environment
[Abstract] Logistics delivery is the very important link in retail chain in china in e-commerce environment, the e-commerce bring some impact and influence to logistics delivery and development it. By analyzing the characteristics and current situation of retail chain in chian. logistics delivery can be drawn constraining retail chain in chian . on the basis of analysis Several logistics delivery models. Exploring the just logistics delivery model to development retail chain in China:small and medium-sized enterprises in the retail chain mainly outsourcing, collaboration with suppliers to achieve a "win-win" mode of operation of the logistics, Large chain enterprises mainly relying on outsourcing to supplement the integrated logistics models. Affect our retail chain model number of factors, retail chain enterprises in the mode of choice when we need to focus on logistics delivery of three issues : the standardization of service delivery, Personalized service delivery, communication of the credit cost. (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)
[Key word] Electronic commerce; Retail trade; Logistics delivery mold

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