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摘 要:电子商务改变了企业竞争方式和服务方式,销售业绩、客户满意度、客户忠诚度成为衡量企业成败的重要指标,企业管理的重点也从以产品为重点向以客户为重点转移。在这种情况下,制定1套电子商务环境下的客户关系管理实施策略成为企业竞争的重要1环。本文在对电子商务环境下的CRM应用作了简要评述,指出了国内CRM应用情况的基本特点,重点分析了应用中出现的难点问题,并对这些问题的解决提出了建议。
The Problems and Strategies of CRM which National Enterprises Confront in
E-Commerce Environment
Abstract: E-commerce has changed the ways of enterprises competitions and services. The achievement of sale, satisfaction degree of customer, loyalty degree of customer has become important indexes judging the success of enterprise, emphasis of enterprise business management has moved from the product to customer. Under this situation, establishing a suit of strategy to implement the CRM in e-commerce environment has become an important step in enterprise competition. Besides briefing the applications of CRM on the background of E-business, this dissertation points out the basic points of the applications of civil CRM, analyzes the difficulties in the course of it and gives us suggestions on how to solve them.
Key words: E-commerce; Clients; CRM; Strategies