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2015-05-13 01:40


关键字:PC机行业 ; 戴尔公司 ; 网上直销

Online Direct-marketing Research of the PC Industry
Abstract:  Online direct-marketing is a newly-emergent mode of marketing, using it to advance the informational construction of the traditional PC industry has become a most important means to promote and maintain the key competitive power of enterprises. The thesis introduces the concept of online direct-marketing, its function, and the significances of developing online marketing. Then it analyses how to tackle with the PC industry. According to the market theory and the case of the Dell Dell Computer Co. Ltd. Analyze What have been put forward. At last, combined with the case studies, the study provides proposals for the enterprises which intend to take the way of direct-marketing in our country.

Key words:  the PC industry; Dell Computer Co. Ltd. ;  online direct-marketing 

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