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摘 要: 目前,我国快速消费品的物流配送体系还很不完善,而我国快速消费品行业的竞争已非常激烈。物流配送作为快速消费品流通的重要环节,成为各企业节约生产成本的竞争点。本文首先分析了快速消费品及其特点,由此引出了快速消费品物流配送的特点。接着对我国目前快速消费品物流配送存在的3种配送模式:自营物流配送,物流联盟配送,第3方物流配送模式的优缺点进行了分析比较,选择出最适合我国快速消费品物流配送的模式。然后指出了我国快速消费品物流配送存在的问题,最后从物流配送的网络化,仓储设施和运输设备,信息化3个方面提出了相应的发展策略,为快速消费品物流配送的经营管理活动和未来发展提供了决策依据。
关键词: 快速消费品;物流配送;第3方物流
The Research About Delivery Of Chinese FMCG
Abstract: At present, The logistics distribution system of FMCG in our country is far from perfect, but the competition of FMCG’s industry in our country is very intense. As a important tache of FMCG’s currency, the logistics distribution become a point of competition of every enterprise by saving the cost of production. This paper will first analyze the meanings and characteristics of FMCG, which leads to the characteristics of FMCG’s logistics distribution. Then compare the advantage and the disadvantage of this three distribution models of FMCG Distribution as below: self-logistics distribution, logistics distribution Union, third-party logistics distribution model, selecting the most suitable FMCG logistics distribution model to our country. In the end, the article points out the questions of the FMCG Distribution in our country and provides the corresponding development strategy from network of logistics distribution, storage facilities and transport equipment, information ,in order to provide a basis decision-making for the logistics management activities of FMCG, expediting it’s development in future.
Key words: FMCG; Delivery; TPL (转载自http://zw.NSEAC.com科教作文网)