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2017-12-18 02:20
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论当代中国文化冲突与犯罪律毕业论文论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘  要


关键词:犯罪; 文化; 文化冲突; 当代中国的犯罪; 犯罪的文化预防


There is an inherent relation between cultural conflicts and the crime, and the crime becomes one of by-products of cultural conflicts among all kinds of collision and the conflict. Chinese cultures had been enriched since the beginning of opening-up and reform. The differences of culture, historical background and the values inevitably lead to cultural conflict and collision, and the criminal behavior caused by these differences present the new characteristics. Therefore, we can connect contemporary Chinese crime with contemporary Chinese culture conflicts performance to investigate the radical reasons for crime. Then efforts must be stepped up to advocate the positive mainstream culture in the multicultural shape and enhance the thought and politic education and law education when we combine the cultural conflicts. It has a far-reaching and practical effect on preventing and reducing our country’s crime to maximum.


Key words:  crime; culture; cultural conflict; contemporary Chinese crime ; culture prevention for crime



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