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摘 要
关键词:贪污罪 ;受贿罪;犯罪主体
The corruption and bribery define the main crime, directly related to their legislative evolution. After the revised Penal Code in 1979 continues with the provisions of the Penal Code, the main criminal of corruption and accepting bribes is the national staff, including parasitical staff. However, because of the distinction of the crime of corruption and bribery itself, they should be discriminated. Along with the social economy system, the development of economic relations changes, the criminal law of China on the crime of bribery and corruption legislation establishment exposed some flaws; therefore, in order to make the purpose of the crime of corruption and bribery meet the legislation goal requirement of the new system, we should consummation the main of such crimes.
Key words: The crime of corruption; The crime of bribery ; Subject of crime;