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2017-12-18 04:02
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论中国的区际法律冲突律毕业论文论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘   要




After Hong Kong, Macao return the motherland, the interregional conflict of laws which is between the motherland continent, Hong Kong and Macao is  increasing day by day. The conflicts are as follows: the inheritance system, the contract, the marital family system, the criminal law, and the jurisdiction of civil procedure. During these legal relationships, the conflicts of inheritance legal system are especially remarkable. Inherited from the concept and the history of the inheritance interregional conflict of laws , analyzes the characteristic and the present situation of it. In order to solve this problem and use the law correctly, we should follow these principles, such as the principle of equality and mutual, the protection and the promotion of regular area civil association and common prosperity. The author brings forward corresponding suggestions on legislation and hopes this will has a benefit to the solution of the inheritance interregional conflict of laws.

Key words: the interregional conflict of laws; the inheritance interregional conflict of laws; the inheritance system; the principle of law; consummate

(科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)


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