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2017-12-18 05:35
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论税权划分律毕业论文怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘  要


The tax power is the jurisdiction of tax revenue, the concrete contents of which include the legislative power with tax revenue, the enforcement power of tax revenue and judicial power with tax revenue. According to different division methods, the tax power can be divided into transverse direction and longitudinal direction .The tax power division in our country is lack of norm, the legislative power with tax revenue turns to administration, the centralization of authority is excessive and the division power of decentralization keeps with each other excessively; The administration of tax revenue is disorder, the enforcement of law is unjust; The judicial system of tax revenue is lack of independence and justification. By analyzing and referring the international classical representatives of tax power division --the experience of American, Japan and France, the improvement of tax power division should mainly grasp five aspects: choice reasonable model of tax power division; improve the system of tax law; give a certain legislation power of tax revenue to the local place; merge tax administration organization of country and local place; enforce the law buy law strictly; safeguard the independence of tax judicial power and realize the case of tax to solve timely and validly and associating with the reality of our country. (科教作文网http://zw.NSEaC.com编辑发布)
    Keywords:tax power; tax power division; legislation power with tax revenue; enforcement power with tax revenue; judicial power with tax revenue

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