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摘 要
The multinational corporations have already held the important status in the world economy, moreover their activities will have a more tremendous influence on the development of world economy, including positive one and negative one. The single nation can hardly regulate their behaviors effectively. If we want regulate their behaviors by legal method,we must first make clear the multinational corporation’s legal status. On the foundation of introducing the meanings and charactoristics of the multinational corporations,this article attempts to analyze the problem of multinational corporation’s legal status in the aid of “Market Malfunction”theory. Then after grasping the views concerning this question, the author proves this question from several angles. Because the question about wether the multinational corporation is the International Law’s main body or not has been proved powerfully by predecessors, therefore this article is apt to stress the question of multinational corporations Non-national Law’s main body and the International Economic Law’s main body. The author expects that through the resolution of this question of the legal status of multinational corporation,the multinational corporation can be regulate and managed forcefully in order to prompt the creation of new ecnomy and law order. 您可以访问中国科教评价网(www.NsEac.com)查看更多相关的文章。
Keywords:Multinational corporation; Theory Foundation; Present Research Situation; Legal Status