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2017-12-18 04:03
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论经济全球化背景下的国家经济主权律毕业论样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘  要

经济全球化意味着经济活动在全球范围内的扩张和交融,是各国经济相互渗透、相互影响的过程。经济全球化对国家经济主权的影响主要表现为跨国公司和国际组织对国家经济主权的影响, 经济全球化对我国经济主权还具有某些特殊的影响。对此,我国应根据自身的经济发展水平与经济优势,逐步融入到经济全球化之中。坚持独立自主的外交政策;坚持国家利益是主权让渡的准则;培养我国公民的法律意识,特别是世界法律意识;积极参与国际组织的各项法律工作,广泛参与国际间的交流与合作。



The economical globalization means that economic activities expand and mingle in the whole world, and it’s the process that every country’s economic penetrates and affects each other. The economical globalization affects the state economic sovereignty, and it’s main means are multinationals and international organizations. In addition,the economical globalization has certain peculiar  influence on our Chinese economic sovereignty. Responding to this, we, according to ourselves’ economical developmental level and economical advantages, should be gradually mixed in the economical globalization. We should insist the independent foreign policy; insist the national interests being the criterion of sovereignty’s transferring; raise citizens legal consciousness, specially consciousness of world law; positively participate in the international organizations’ legal work and widely take part in international communication and cooperation.

Key words: The Economical Globalization; The State Economic Sovereignty; Influence; Policies (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕac.cOM编辑)


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