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2017-12-18 04:09
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论跨国犯罪新问题及其对策律毕业论文怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘  要

当今世界,随着跨国跨地区的政治、经济、文化和社会交往的频繁, 以及国家经济自由化、国际化的发展, 1种由此衍生的负面现象——跨国犯罪亦悄然而生。其涉及领域之广,蔓延速度之迅猛, 社会危害之强烈, 均前所未闻, 对国际社会的正常交往构成相当大的威胁, 已成为当代世界各国、各地区当局所面临的1大棘手问题。本文在分析跨国犯罪的新问题及发展趋势的情况下提出各国、各地区当局抛开政治之冲突、民族之隔阂, 携起手来, 加强合作, 共同惩治和防范此类犯罪,逐渐形成了1个较为松散但却是10分重要的国际性刑事法体系, 保护全人类之和平和安全,促进各国、各地区文明的共同发展。

关键词: 跨国犯罪;发展趋势;防范措施


Nowadays world, across politics, economy, culture and society of region to associate along with the multinational of multifarious, and the development of national economics liberalism, internationalization, a kind from here develop of the negative phenomenon-multinational crime as well quietly but living. It involves broad domain, spreads fast speed fierce, intensities the social harm, has not heard for the previous generation. It poses the equal threat to international societys normal contact, has become one big and tough matter which the present various countries and various local authorities faced. This article in the analysis transnational crime new question and in the trend of development situation proposed the various countries, various local authorities abandon question of, the national barrier of the political, hand in hand, the enhances cooperation, punishes and guards against this kind of crime together, gradually forms one loosely but actually is the extremely important international criminal law system, protects the peace and  security of the universe, promotes various countries and various local civilization communal development.

Key words: the multinational crime; develop trend; guard against  measure      内容来自www.nseac.com

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