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2017-12-21 02:14
导读:法律论文毕业论文,从北魏、元朝封建立法看少数民族政权的汉化样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

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关键词:北魏 元朝 封建立法 汉化


 Northern Wei Dynasty and Yuan Dynastys national minority political power ancient times in the feudal history has in China the important status. Two national minority political powers are take Han Nationalitys cultural etiquette system as the foundations, has carried on the varying degree sinicizing reform. Examines Northern Wei Dynasty and Yuan Dynastys national fusion and the sinicizing time background, the legislation condition and the sinicizing measure, Northern Wei Dynasty establishes first year the system vicissitude which reforms to the filial piety article emperor, as well as Yuan Dynasty in policies and so on the imperial civil service examination, penalty, marriage system may know, two dynasty sinicizing reform all varying degrees to later national minority political power, even was the Han nationality political power has had the profound influence.

Keyword: Northern Wei;Dynasty Yuan;Dynasty feudalism legislation;Sanitizing

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