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2017-12-21 02:24
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论行政自由裁量权的司法审查律毕业论文论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘要

关键词:自由裁量权    合法性审查    合理性审查

Abstract: Since 20th century, have followed the executive power expansion, the administrative right of discretion reality have been becoming the executive power indispensable important constituent. Becomes the contemporary administrative law development the important symbol. Expands right of discretion is the modern legally administration inevitable trend. However, the limit right inevitably has not had the corruption, this will be the eternity invariable discipline, will strengthen to the administrative right of discretion judicial control then is legally the administrative inevitably request. The modern administrative law is precisely expands unceasingly in administrative right of discretion with strengthens in such advancement to the administrative right of discretion control to obtain the development unceasingly. In view of this, the western various countries which expand while administrative right of discretion by controls the judicial examination center of gravity the bridle to tie in abundance the administrative action to change the control to decide after deliberation the behavior, at this point, to decided after deliberation the behavior the judicial examination already to become in the middle of the administrative law the core content, will not have this part of content, the administrative law to dwindle. (科教论文网 Lw.nsEAc.com编辑整理)
Key words: Right of discretion    Legitimacy examination
Rationality examination

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