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摘 要
关键词:土地征收; 农村土地 ; 土地所有权制度; 土地承包经营权; 征收补偿
Since China have had the open policy ,the countryside began to carry out land contract responsibility system .Besides china have made some laws to protect the farmers land employment right for long time .But along with the marketeconomy s development ,the farmers land property right system is not clear and the agriculture s land be took over without any good compensation standard both seriously violate the farmers land right .compared wiht china , Japan adapts many laws according with the different period , japan also adjusts these laws to protect farmers right .Expercially japan s agriculture local constable had the rationalization system can protect the farmer s land ownship right and some correlation economical right well. In order to enhance the efficiency of the construction of chinas farmland right protection system ,china can kown more aboat our countrys circumstance firstly ,and study some good experience form japan .
Key word: The land takes over ; Countryside land; Landownership system; Land contracting operating right; Levies compensates (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.Com编辑整理)