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2017-12-21 05:38
导读:法律论文毕业论文,我国农村养老保险制度探析律毕业论文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘    要




To solve the problem of endowment insurance of the huge old age population located in rural district is a big problem. Improving the rural endowment insurance system bears upon the rural, even the whole country’s economic reform and social stability, having an important practical significance for promoting economic growth and social progress, a positive influence for constracting harmonious society and building a new socialist countryside.At the same time, the Communist Party’s sixth report indicated:” Some places, which have appropriate compencety can set up the rural endowment and medical insurance system, and the lowest life security system.” For this reason, By analyzing the developing and existing problems of rural endowment insurance system, In view of the lack of advanced legal remedy to the rural endowment insurance system, I shall study some points on this topic.

Keywords: The rural endowment; Insurance system; Social insurance; Law system; Fund management (转载自http://zw.NSEAC.com科教作文网)

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