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摘 要
In the field of the institutional ethics, the system is materialized ethics, and the ethics is the essence of the system. In The Law of the Property, it emphasizes on the equal protection of the state, the collective and the personal property; it has realized the protection to the weak; it has confirmed the rights to gain the reward for the found of the lost property, and it has established the registration system of the real estate—All these have all manifested the spirit of the institutional ethics. However, The Law of the Property still lacks the spirit of the institutional ethics in holding the possession system, the use of the homestead rights as well as in the real estate registration about the wrong compensation. It still needs to settle all the interests based on institutional ethics and to obtain further improvement.
Key words: institutional ethics; The Law of the Property; equality; (转载自http://zw.NSEAC.com科教作文网)
Fair; efficiency