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摘 要
关键词:保险 ;代位求偿权 ;保险责任
The insurance transfer position recompense act as the special system of the insurance law , has own unique status、 characteristic and the function. It used universally In insurance exercise, The insurance transfer position recompense also called to be the insurance transfer position pursuit compense, its meaning is refers to in the insurance responsibility, the accident is caused by the third person is mistake, the insurer pays indemnity for damage to the insured according to the insurance contract, between the pays amount limit it request the insured to transfer the right which sues for the third person.Along with our country is economy rapid development, the commercial contact is complex day by day, following is the insurance industry unceasing consummation, but also has the problem that urgently awaits to be solved, this article is elaboration on the nature of the insurance transfer position recompense, the legislation goal, the condition to carry out, the limitation and dispute about the insurance transfer position recompense.
Keywords: Insurance;transfer position recompense;Safe responsibility