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2017-12-23 03:31
导读:法律论文毕业论文,贪污罪的立法缺陷及完善律毕业论文论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 内容

关键字:贪污罪    量刑   财产刑    死刑    资格刑

Abstract: The paper is based on the legal sentence of the corruption crime in the criminal law of PRC, and it is according to the new characteristics in the situation. The paper discusses the problems of legal sentence of measurement of penalty, the unsuitable of the property punishment, vacancy for qualification penalty and unbalance of death penalty, and so on. At last the paper that consults for the other countries and areas, puts forward some corresponding suggestions , such as making the dividing sentencing grade of the corruption crime more legalized, decide and equalized.
Key words: Corruption crime; Sentence; Fine; Death penalty; Disqualification

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