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2017-12-24 01:08
导读:法律论文毕业论文,关于挪用公款罪的思考律毕业论文怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘    要




The crime of embezzlement which is a frequently-occurring crime in the practice of judicature is an independent crime, separating from the bribery, and is also an important crime of corruption. It infringes not only the honesty of public service personnel but also the possession right, the use right, profit right and disposition right of public property. However when The prescript in No.384 item in the newly modified Criminal Law stipulate the crime of embezzlement, the usage of “Be individuals responsibility to be put into use” etc uncertain expression enhances the difficulty in practicing judicature and in turn brings about lots of dispute. In order to strengthen the beat strength, strengthen country’s honest construction. We should make necessary modifications of criminal subject, criminal object and important document of crime constitution and so on.        

Key words: the crime of embezzlement; charge; criminal object; objectively important condition

    上一篇:关于统一化构建我国执行体制的思考律毕业论 下一篇:没有了