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2017-12-24 03:26
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论公司治理中多数人暴政的法律调控律毕业论样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

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关键词: 公司自治;多数人暴政;资本多数决;法律规制


The most people tyranny will derive from majority principle in groups, it will not only threaten minority shareholders benefit, but also destroy the foundation that most principles exist - company autonomy. In order to control " The most people tyranny "we must take the company autonomy as a foundation and strengthen the legal regulation. As the basic principle of the company governance –majority decision rule of capital are easy to form " The most people tyranny ". This article elaborated the mechanism of” the most people tyranny" produce as well as the necessity of its legal regulation. The author has analyzed the legal regulation measure of our country’s "Company Law" to "the most people tyranny", and proposed related consummates suggestion, simultaneously pointed out the company governance must be seek the balance between dispassion and efficiency as well as the judicial intervention and the company autonomy .

Keywords: Company autonomy; Most people tyranny; Majority decision rule of capital; Legal regulation;

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