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2017-12-25 04:13
导读:法律论文毕业论文,受贿罪的主观因素分析律毕业论文论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘    要


关键词: 受贿;受贿目的;受贿动机;受贿故意;受贿内因;受贿预防


The crime of acceptance of bribe is an organic synthesis between subjective factor and objective factor like other constitution important documents of crime. The crime of acceptance of bribe subjective factor is constitutes the bribery the important aspect. It is an important aspect of constituting a bribery t for the subjective factor of the crime of acceptance of bribe. The subjective psychological manner of the actor for his harmful act and his harmful result include the purpose of the crime , criminal motive and bribing intentionally. It is the basis to be bribe of individual subjective factor, it has important influence to the bribery production. So, it is necessary for us to conduct the thorough research and the discussion to the bribery subjective factor, in order to fully knew the subjective factor regarding the bribery importance, and positively explores the effective way for containment bribe crime, seeks the methods of  fundamentally reducing the bribe crime quantity, as it, we can attack bribe criminal activity effectively.

Keywords: Crime of acceptance of bribe; Accept bribes target; Accept bribes motive; Accept bribes intentionally; Internal cause of accept bribes; Check accept bribes

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