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2017-12-27 01:33
导读:法律论文毕业论文,侵权法上的过错问题律毕业论文论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘   要



The importance of fault in tort behavior law, it is the fact that has been recognized by the law circle of our country. However, there is no systematic exposition on several critical problems concerning fault such as the essence of fault and the judgment standard of fault. The disadvantage of the view of “subjective fault” is to separate the will with the action, and thus cannot reveal the notion of fault and cannot restrict the responsibility of the action taker. By contrast, the view of “objective fault” can better reveal the essence of fault that fault is objective. The objective view of fault judgement not only lessens the burden of victim to present evidence but also protects the victims interest to the most extent, and offer a more effective way to the judge to define the action of injury-taker. Whether the behavior does have the fault is judged according to legal rule when there is one or according to the objective fault standard of judgement when there isnt such a rule.

Keyword:the Reasonable Man; bonus patter families; negligence;Objective fault standard




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