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摘要: 21世纪是个繁荣的时代,人们的生活节奏加快,生活方式也发生了变化,不再只依靠电话、书信来联络,渐渐取而代之的是方便快捷的网络。同学录就是时代的产物,已成为新1代的通讯工具。在这无疆的数字世界,同学录把文本、图像、声音、动画、视像等多种媒体信息集于1体,不但使信息的显示更加生动,而且使信息的浏览更为方便。
The Design and Realization of The Interactive Register of Alumni
Abstract:21st century is a prosperous time, peoples rhythm of life is speeds up and the life style has also had changed, no longer only depends upon the telephone and the letter to contact with each other. Gradually, it is replaced by the convenience and fast network. The register of alumni is the product of ages ,it has become the means of communication of new generation. In the numeral world, the register of alumni gathers the texts, the pictures, the sound, the dynamic pictures, the video and so on which are multi-media information. Not only make the show of information more vividly, also more conveniently to browse the information. (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)
In the interactive register of alumni, the participate of customer is the most important. It is the platform of communication for user .In the system, PHP is the development language, Mysql is the database system and Apache is the Web server. Unifies the actual demandant, the register of alumni is not only have the modules of address book 、the photo album and the function of uploading and downloading the files , also added the function of the forum and the opinion mailbox. After the user register or login , user may find the contaction method of schoolmate from the address book module. Appreciate the picture in the photo album, upload photograph and files which are worth to share you think, as well as you can download the picture, mp3 , the material of study even movie and so on which you like in the upload and download module. In message board you can message. In the forum initiate the discussion or expresse individual view. Submits the user opinion through the opinion mailbox module to the manager’s mailbox. The manager through the administration module manage data, then maintain and improve the website according to the opinion of user.
The characteristic of the system are having completed function, easily operate, having the contact surface design in a friendly and simple way, the fool type guidance, having the quick speed of response and so on.
Keywords: The register of alumni, PHP, the MYSQL database
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2 国内外现状 1
1.3 本文组织结构 2
2 系统设计的相关知识 3
2.1 PHP简介 3
2.1.1 PHP的特点 3
2.1.2 PHP的优点 4
2.2 MYSQL简介 4
2.2.1 概述 4
2.2.2 Mysql的特点 4
2.3 APACHE WEB服务器 6
2.4 PHP+MYSQL+APACHE的安装和配置 6
2.4.1 安装Apache 6
2.4.2 PHP的安装配置 7
2.4.3 Mysql的安装和配置 8
3 系统分析 11 (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)
3.1 可行性分析 11
3.1.2 系统流程图 11
3.1.3数据流图 12
3.2需求分析 15
3.2.1系统功能需求 15
3.2.2 运行环境规定 15
3.3 数据需求分析 15
4 概要设计 21
4.1 系统总体结构设计 21
4.2 主要模块的程序流程图 21
4.3 数据库中表的设计 23
5 详细设计和代码实现 28
5.1 各模块设计与实现 28
5.1.1首页模块设计 28
5.1.2 登录模块设计 28
5.1.3 通讯录模块设计 30
5.1.4 相册模块设计 31
5.1.5 留言板模块设计 31
5.1.6 论坛模块设计 33
5.1.7上传下载模块设计 38
5.1.8 意见箱模块设计 40
6 网站测试 42
结术语与展望 43
参考文献 44
致谢 45