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2016-06-20 01:00

摘 要:在Internet飞速发展的今天,电子数字计算机是20世纪重大科技发明之1,而互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,它在人们政治、经济、生活等各个方面发挥着重要的作用。因此网站建设在Internet应用上的地位显而易见,它已成为政府、企事业单位信息化建设中的重要组成部分,从而倍受人们的重视。
同学录是同学之间用于交流不可缺少的工具之1, 同学录它能够为同学们提供及时、准确的信息,对于每位同学来说都至关重要。但1直以来人们使用传统的方式进行交流,这种交流方式存在着许多缺点,如:效率低、保密性差,另外还会出现遗失等情况,这样就给人们之间交流带来了不少的困难。随着科学技术的不断提高,计算机科学日渐成熟,其强大的功能已为人们深刻认识,它已进入人类社会的各个领域并发挥着越来越重要的作用。作为计算机应用的1部分,使用计算机对同学之间信息进行管理,具有书信所无法比拟的优点。例如:速度快、查找方便、易修改、可靠性高、保密性好、成本低、便于打印等。这些优点能够极大地提高使用效率,是与世界接轨的重要条件。因此,开发这个同学录成为很有必要的事情。
本系统是在Windows系列操作系统下,以Access为数据库开发平台,采用Dreamweaver 的可视化编程开发的交互式同学录系统。该系统集成了站内短信、查询资料、群发邮件、公共留言、私人消息等功能。切实为其提供了较为有效和全面的功能服务。该系统界面友好,操作简单方便。通过实现交互式同学录系统,方便的应用于同学之间信息发布和交流。这套系统同学录系统可以满足现在Internet普及的今天同学用上网互动的要求。 (科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)

Interactive Type Register of Alumni System
Abstrct: Today that develop quickly in the Internet, the computer is one of the important science and technology invention of 20 centuries, the Internet becomes the fast acquisition of people and releases and delivers the important outlet of the information, it at people politics, economy, live etc. each aspect is exertive important function. So the website reconstruction applies the last position in the Internet obviously, it has become the government, proposition importance within information-based reconstruction to constitute the fraction, being value by the people thus and doubly.
The register of alumni is one of the tools that of the classmate used for the exchanges indispensability, the register of alumni can provide for the classmates in time, accurate information, and say for each classmate that all go to close the importance. But always the people use the traditional mode to carry on the exchanges, this kind of delivers the streaming mode to exist many defects, such as: the efficiency is low, confidentiality difference, will still appear to lose to wait the circumstance moreover, communicated for the peoples to bring not a few difficulties thus. Raise continuously along with science technology, the computer science is gradual mature, its strong function hases already been deep for people to know, it hases already entered the each realm of the society of mankind to erupt to flick the more and more important function. Be a fraction of the computer application; use the calculator to carry on the management to information of the classmate, have the advantage that letter cant compare to. For example: the velocity is quick, checks to seek the convenience, easy modification, confidentiality good, the CIF is low and easy to print etc..These advantages can rise to use the efficiency biggest, is important condition that is in line with world. Therefore, develop this register of alumni to become very affair of have the necessity.

(科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)

This system is under the Windows series operating system, OS, taking Access as the database to develop the platform, the interactive type register of alumni system that the visualization programmings of the adoption Dreamweaver develop. That system integration message inside the station, the inquire data, a hair mail, public message, private message etc. function. Slice in really it provides to compare to serve with overall function effectively. The systems interface amity, operate the simple convenience. Pass to carry out the interactive type register of alumni system, the convenient application is between the classmate the information releases and communicates. This system register of alumni system can satisfy the Internet universal today classmate of now to use the interactive request of get to the Internet.
Keywords: Register of alumni system; Asp; Access; Dreamweaver

目 录
前 言 1
1开发工具的介绍 2
1.1 数据库原理 2
1.1.1 Access概述 2
1.1.2 ADO技术简介 3
1.1.3 web数据库 5
1.1.4 C/S结构 7
1.1.5 SQL介绍 7
1.2 ASP概述 9
1.2.1 ASP的对象和组件 11
1.2.2 ASP在数据库中的应用 12
2系统总体分析与设计 15
2.1 系统需求分析 15
2.2 总体设计 15
2.2.1 系统版式设计 17
2.2.2 数据库设计 19
3详细设计 24
3.1 同学录主页设计 24
3.1.1 功能介绍 24
3.1.2 主页规划 24
3.1.3 制作过程 25
3.2 子页面设计 26
3.2.1 班级通讯录 26
3.2.2 私人留言板界面 27
3.2.3 公共留言板界面 27
3.2.4 在线人员界面 27
3.2.5 班级相册界面 27
3.3 后台管理模块 28
4系统测试与安全性 30
4.1 系统测试 30
4.1.1 服务器的架设 30
4.1.2 系统测试 30
4.2 安全性 36
4.2.1 数据安全性 36
4.2.2 ASP程序代码的安全性 37 (转载自http://www.NSEAC.com中国科教评价网)
4.2.3 Access的安全性 37
4.2.4 程序设计的安全性 38
5结束语 39


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