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2016-06-24 01:02

摘要:此文所记录的是农科院科技大楼弱电系统方案。在此文的方案设计中所涉及到的知识包括建筑学软件AUTOCAD的使用,局域网布线,有线电视系统布线,音响扩展系统布线,楼内电话系统布线,监控系统布线。总的来说这次布线所涉及的知识面是比较广的。通过此文我们可以了解到大楼布线的基本知识和设计,如何根据大楼的具体情况对大楼的各系统进行设计,如何根据设计方案进行设备选型也是本文叙述的内容。关键字: AUTOCAD;弱电系统;综合布线

Agricultural Academy Of Science Science
Technology Building Synthesis Wiring System Design
Abstarct:What this record is comprehensive cloth line system project in science and technology mansion of the dept. of agriculture hospital.The knowledge involve includes the usage that the building learns the software AUTOCAD in this project, the cloth line of the area net of the bureau, comprehensive cloth line of the cabled T.V. system, the stereo set expands the comprehensive cloth line of the system, In this project the device of the usage all is to match the nation to unify the standard.In regard to stereo set expand system, at hall with each floor of absorb a type stereo set over a gearing, centrally the engine room has a great achievement the rate enlarger, that the customer that the cabled T.V. system aspect carry out request may use the televisions to all have 1 to order.In the area net system of the bureau, the principle of the adoptiontotal programming, tread the implement separately, divide the step to carry on the soft hardware construction, inspect and manage the ability in the network, order to the main station of the network and can carry out the on-line surveillance and controls with circuit, end set up 1 stabilize, dependable network system.. (转载自http://zw.NSEaC.com科教作文网)
Keywords: Autocad; Local area network wiring; Acoustic expansion system wiring;Wired system.


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