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2016-06-21 01:03

Networks Data Packet Analysis Tool Design and Realization
Abstract :This thesis main theory been chatted under Linux platform, on the basis of TCP/IP agreement clan , adopts C network programming, catch the function to wrap up with the network data - -Libpcap develops and wraps up to design a network datum to wrap up and analyze tools, the network takes a sniff at the visiting device Sniffer.
This text take a sniff at , visit to Linux operating system , network software Tcpdump and TCP/IP agreement clan hit IP layer and transmit layers of all kinds of agreement comments to act as person who understand at first, then introduced Libpcap and developed bag interface function and network programming technology used in this design detailedly especially. Make , analyze to network data tool (Sniffer ) odd cardinal principles designed make the one-to-one introduction then, and has turned thought into the main introduction and written a network datum and made the overall design philosophy which analyzes the tool with the module of software design. Make analyzing to the network data the procedure of the tool (Sniffer ) made a total explanation finally.


This tool can be through to setting up in the network card of the machine in order to promiscuous mode, it explore the the networkses office the lands flow all data wrap up,and have bag got to explore lasted classification and statistics of filtering according to TCP/IP the levels of agreement, get the information needed.
Keywords:TCP/IP;Libpcap;Sniff;Promiscuous mode


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