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2016-06-20 01:00


摘 要:金审工程是国家电子政务建设的总体规划“102金”之1,1期投资近2个亿,是国家计委批准的第1个金字工程。
The Online Training System of  the E-Audit Engineering
Abstract: The E-Audit Engineering is one of the twelve Es in the overall plan for national electronic executive affairs .The first phase of its investment is about RMB 200 billion Yuan and it is the first E Engineering approved by the National Plan commission.
The construction task of E-Audit Engineering is relevant to both parts: the audit business management and the audit business execution. Of which the audit management system mainly deals with all the business management and office affairs of interior departments in audit departments including the audit plans, audit status, audit files, formal files management, online training, references to officer policies determination, audit spot inspectation and management,etc.They are named AO system in short. The audit executive system mainly meets the satisfaction of audit works, including the collection of softwares and transfer of data, audit analysis, sample selection, the draft management,etc.And named OA system in short.


The author have been involved in the development work of online training subsidiary system in E-Audit Engineering .The E-Audit Engineering as the large system of the national audit Shu including lots of software coordinative work:. to Layout function and to design function of online training in its subsidiary system in E-Audit Engineering mainly to establish computer application system frameworks to deal with three major business including satisfying online study, online training, online enrolment,ect,to come to serve directly E-Audit Engineering system. The system is based on the B/S mode and run at Webshpere platform and in DB2 database enviroment.The application procedure development is based on the MVC development mode at ResourceOne platform, and the software development is based on Eclipse-the CVS team development mode.
   This paper have introduced the backgrounds of set-up item, the brief description and the analysis of need of this system in its beginning, then demonstrated the design of online training system and its accomplishment in details including several major aspects of the description of mode ,the analysis of procedure, analog figures, the design of FrontPages ,the accomplishment of technology ,the design of tablets.
Keywords: E-Audit Engineering;Online Training;Eclipse;Java;XML

目 录
前 言 1
1 概 述 2
1.1 编写目的 2
1.2 涉及范围 2
1.3 名词定义 2
1.4 规范手册 2
1.5 组织结构 2
2 需求分析 3
2.1 背景知识 3
2.1.1 什么是网上培训 3
2.1.2 网上培训的优缺点 3
2.1.3 国内外现状及注意的问题 3
2.2 任务概述 5
2.3 功能需求 5
2.3.1 总体功能结构 5
2.3.2 总体功能说明 6
2.4 系统角色 7
2.5 运行环境 7
3 体系结构及技术规范 9
3.1 系统体系结构 9
3.1.1 基于RsourceOne平台的开发框架 9

(科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布)

3.1.2 设计范式 9
3.1.3 开发框架结构 9
3.2 系统开发技术规范 10
3.2.1 MVC开发模式的应用 10
3.2.2 XML技术的使用 14
3.2.3 JavaScript的使用 15
4 系统详细设计 18
4.1 基本处理流程 18
4.1.1 查询流程 18
4.1.2 用户登录流程 18
4.1.3 课程生成与学习流程 18
4.1.4 课程约束条件限制处理流程 18
4.1.5 课程学习时间记录活动 19
4.2 系统设计结构 19
4.3 课件子系统的设计开发 20
4.3.1 基础环境 20
4.3.2 部署应用 22
4.3.3 课件子系统管理 24
4.4 课程答疑子系统的开发 30
4.5 数据库设计 39
4.5.1 缓冲池与表空间的建立 39
4.5.2 跨库视图的建立 40
4.5.3 数据表的设计 41
4.5.4 数据表关联设计 42
5 系统设计技术手段 44
5.1 用户接口 44
5.2 运行设计 44
5.2.1 运行模块组合 44
5.2.2 运行控制 44
5.2.3 运行时间 44
5.3 系统数据结构设计 44
5.3.1 逻辑结构设计要点 44
5.3.2 物理结构设计要点 44
5.3.3 数据结构与程序的关系 44
5.4 系统出错处理设计 44
5.4.1 出错信息 44
5.4.2 补救措施 45
5.4.3 系统维护设计 45
6 结束语 46
参考文献 47
致 谢 48


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