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2016-06-27 01:01



The design and realization of web forum system which based on JSP technology
Abstract: In the 21th, the Earth becomes a village, Because the presence of the Internet. People traveling around in Internet world, and enjoy themselves in it. We used to watch news , browse topics in web forum , go shopping on E-business websit, write our blog and so on . Of course, The most necessary are numbers of searching engines which help us find the desired information. In a word, Internet turns to a type of our life style, a huge repository.
  This dissertation focusing on how to build a simple online forum system. Online forum system is one of the most common form of network, and its main function is giving Internet users a platform to exchange, communicating, learning and helping each other. The dissertation include six parts, which Beginning with system desiring analysis and end of system test, and make a detailed analysis of the whole development. The development of the forum  including the interface of front and management systems of background. The system based on the B/S model, using the popular Three-tier Model (JSP+JavaBean+ database) .In the design process, I separate the display of pages from the functional logic, in order to make the system is conducive to the maintenance and upgrading. After the completion of the design, the forum can realize a simple function of watch/post topic, and run in a number of platforms.

Keywords: Web forum system,B/S mode,JavaBean,Topic


    上一篇:基于JSP技术的网络广告管理系统JSP+SQL 下一篇:没有了