2015-06-16 01:07
导读:18、Nelson Goodman (1977), Fact, Fiction and Forecast (Cambridge: Harvard University Press), p. 67. 19、ibid., p. 87. 20、参阅 Richard Boyd (1991), "Observation, Explanatory Power and Simplicity:
18、Nelson Goodman (1977), Fact, Fiction and Forecast (Cambridge: Harvard University Press), p. 67.
19、ibid., p. 87.
20、参阅 Richard Boyd (1991), "Observation, Explanatory Power and Simplicity: Toward a Non-Humean Account", in Boyd, etal., (eds.), The Philosophy of Science (Cambridge: The MIT Press), 349-377。
21、Nancy Cartwright (1983), How the Laws of Physics Lie (Oxford: Clarendon Press), p. 85.
22、参阅Ian Hacking (1983), Representing and Intervening (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 尤其是第十三章。
23、参阅Paul Churchland (1989), "Conceptual Progress and Word-World Relations: In Search of the Essence of Natural Kinds", in Churchland (1989), A Neurocomputational Perspective (Cambridge: The MIT Press), 281-295。
24、同上引﹐p. 140。对于知觉可塑性论点的详细讨论﹐看Paul Churchland (1979), Scientific Realism and the Plasticity of Mind (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)。
25、Ian Hacking (1983), op.cit., p.275.