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2016-09-21 01:05
导读:—On the basis of the positive research of the situation in Sichuan Summary : factors which increase tax revenue are plural. For example: Economic growth level, the price, tax system structure and

—On the basis of the positive research of the situation in Sichuan
Summary : factors which increase tax revenue are plural. For example: Economic growth level, the price, tax system structure and tax collection and management ,etc.. But, which are the sustainable affecting factors? Which is the leading factor? How much influence does every factor exert? In consideration of these questions,this text plans to proceed with actual conditions of Sichuan,adopting factor analytic approach to calculate influence volume to tax revenue increase go on ration of every factor first. And then carry on comparative analysis to the result of calculating. Finally, on this basis, I will think about the policies and measures to promote tax revenue and economy to a benign and interdynamic condition in the ‘Eleventh Five-Year Plan’ period of Sichuan.

Keywords : Tax revenue growth Price Economic growth Tax collection and management
上一篇:当前我国所得税制中的经济性重复课税问题探析 下一篇:没有了