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2013-12-16 01:04

[摘  要]  音乐是人类文明的象征,是人类智慧与理想的体现,而歌唱是音乐艺术中最直接、最朴实地抒发思想感情的传统艺术,它的表现和创作有自身的方法,具有1定的独特性、时代性。歌唱者除了要掌握好正确的歌唱方法,更应该注重歌曲的情感表现。文章通过阐述歌唱情感表达的处理方法,说明了情感表达在歌唱中的重要作用。因此,在歌唱教学中,1定要重视歌唱的情感表达。

[关键词]  歌唱  情感  表达
Abstract: The music is a symbol of the human civilization, and human intelligence and ideal embodiment, and it is traditional art expressing the thoughts and feelings most directly , the most sincerely in art of the music to sing, its behavior and creation have ones own methods , have certain uniqueness , era. Except the persons who sing will grasp the correct singing method , the emotion that should pay attention to the song even more behaves.  The article passes to elaborate the processing method of sing the emotion expression, explaining the emotion expression in the middle of sing of important function.Therefore, in sing teaching, must value the emotion expression for sing.

Keywords: Sing   the emotion   expression

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