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2014-01-09 01:01

摘  要


关键词:流行歌曲    当代学生    影响     鉴赏力


The popular song is one of the art forms liked by the masses the most in recent years. With the swift and violent development of the popular song, it, to main audiences of the popular song --The influence of students of each level is paid close attention to more and more by people too. This text, through analysing to the characteristic of the popular song, popular reason. Expound the fact harmful effects popular song bring , point out how raise student ability to appreciate to the popular song.

Keyword:  Popular song   Students   Influence   Ability to appreciate

    上一篇:论儿童手风琴教学 下一篇:把舞蹈欣赏教学注入音乐欣赏课的处理与把握