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2014-01-07 01:15

摘   要



    This article is divided into two main parts, according to Zhao Songting bamboo art features divided into different periods of art early (1950s of the 20th Century to the 1970s) and later (1970s-present). The article on the evolution of time sequence, from playing techniques and styles, creating works, musical instruments and theory and the production of teaching features in a bid to select a few Zhao Songting first representative music clips as an example, he cited the works and other related content as arguments summary explored and analysed Zhao Songting of bamboo art features and significance.
    Key word:Zhao Songting bamboo art; Bamboo flute music creation; Musical instrument theory and manufacture; Chinese nationality music education; Performance skill and method


    上一篇:论童声合唱对儿童成长的积极作用 下一篇:没有了