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2014-02-17 01:29

摘  要



 With the era of rapid scientific and technological progress and development of music teachers speaking, the original thinking, the knowledge structure, and teaching methods are no longer meeting the needs of young people and the diversity of social life cognitive needs, and has not adapted to meet the needs of modern music education. Therefore, the quality and innovation of modern music teachers and the importance of capacity-building with landmark significance. Modern music teachers must adapt good mentality, new concepts, enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility, from the efforts of professional ethics and personality qualities, creativity education, professional quality and cultural qualities, teaching techniques and other aspects of the seven foster innovation to the quality and ability to become an innovative study of music teachers, higher, better, successful completion of innovative music education goals.
Key words: Quality of music teacher; Quality of carrer morality of; Specialized quality; Innovation quality

    上一篇:对中小学音乐教学模式的探索 下一篇:小学音乐教学中学生音乐兴趣的培养