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2014-04-16 01:01

摘   要



The popular music, regarded as the liveliest domain of the music life in the contemporary world. has had the quite long historical period in our country. However it is actually late to starts to its careful summary. And many scholars treat it by the manner of ignorance. Popular music research imperative! This article, taking the time as the guideline, summarizes the entine developing process of the popular music, including the study of its history and present situation. And this paper is to analyze and summarize the music style, music phenomenon, music activity and etc. which was formed in its developing process in order to make its vein clear. This paper also summarize the advantage and disadvantage and its developing tendency to suit the populace’s esthetic request by the understanding of the development of popular music. The attoution and study of more people, especially the music professionals and others from all walks of the society. At the same time , hope to pay and make on the thory of music creation, music manufacture and dissemination, which makes the popular music get fast developing to a healther and diverser direction. (科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)
Key words: Popular music; Light music; Northwest wind; Campus ballad; Rock and roll; Media effect

    上一篇:浅谈歌唱者的临场心态 下一篇:浅谈中国手风琴音乐作品的创作特征