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2014-04-27 01:08

摘   要



Appreciate beauty the education is the core part of the primary and junior high school music, it develops the students passion to fine music, help they set up right of esthetic sense, develop the health to heading up of appreciate beauty the interesting aspect, and can rise to inspire the intelligence, purifying the mind, shaping the thoughts and feelings etc. function.However, in the our country  current primary and junior high school music education, appreciate beauty the education and did not get good carry through, this deviated from music education to want this basic principle of" with music appreciate beauty for core" seriously.Aim at the current present condition, the writer appreciates beauty the educational reform problem to do some beneficial studies to music.
    Key words: The primary and junior high school music education; Appreciate beauty the education; Position; Function; Reform

    上一篇:如何在中学音乐教育中实施情感教育 下一篇:把音乐教学“搬”到课外去——如何有效的开展