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2014-11-11 01:07
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,并不宁静的乡下—沈从文乡土小说中人性的表达论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘   要



Artistic world in the works of the famous, Shen Congwen of writer , go through and fill the new spiritual flavor for a long time at the modern literature history, still lie in the human nature intension in its speciality of thought after all. The human nature intension of his novel includes singing the praises of and perfecting the human nature correspondingly with condemning two noticeable sides which twist the human nature too. His native soil subject matter novel extol the perfection of the human nature among them, display western Hunan human nature American , beautiful favor of people , western Hunan world custom American, still essential reaching the dark place of " boor " psychology, show the poverty of their human nature and all sorts of phenomena of distortion , criticize for human nature distortion to become he this kind of subject matter another side of work too, thus make the seemingly harmonious " Land of Peach Blossoms " not seem quiet again. Probe into reason its, with " modern civilization " that Shen Congwen see being to boor poison of soul, corrode separating. Because everybodys perfection and poor distortion of their human nature of countryside just, the conflicts of tradition and " modern civilization ", make Shen Congwen have to take this both ends into account while creating, so, he always represents the beauty and cruelty of the realistic society with the extremely calm , objective attitude, thus formed his neither angry nor rash article style.


Key words: Shen Congwen; human nature; the local novel; the modern civilization;
reserved style

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