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2015-01-05 02:07
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论历代诗人笔下的王昭君形象论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘   要





Wang Zhaojun is a our country Western Han Dynasty time historical personage, since the two jins Southern and Northern Dynasties, she marched into the literature palace, becomes slowly widely known, the rich legendary color literary figure. This should give credit to all previous dynasties poet, they use own complete mind, esthetic ideal and the rich imagination carries on the artistic processing, with realizes from experience with the giving self up to place place feeling, is full but reasonably excavates with promulgates illustrious Mr. the different time complex contradictory innermost feelings world, thus has created different time different illustrious Mr. together the image, causes her the palace maid which originally is remains obscure from, becomes the national harmonious goodwill diplomatic agent. Looks over under the different historical dynasty the poets to write several hundred poems, all is closely revolves illustrious Mr. not to have to see imperial, fills and kisses dies foreign land several aspects with the body to carry on narrates writes, expresses feelings or the discussion, thus creates the plentiful integrity, also is vivid touching, has the artistic power extremely the Wang Zhaojun image, but has these different Wang Zhaojun image reason besides the time different, main is poets subjective sentiment is different. Therefore, has had the different Wang Zhaojun image actually regarding the identical Wang Zhaojuns sing, not only is possible, moreover is inevitable. (转载自中国科教评价网http://www.nseac.com
Key words:All previous dynasties poet; Wang Zhaojun; Image; Research



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