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2015-01-30 01:31

摘   要



Chili has portrayed some different types philistine image in her works, such as common laborer who has lived at the foot of the social ladder, another of intellectual who has lived in the rich environment, the individual operator and the entrepreneur who were expedited by the reform and open policy and so on . These characters have each one different characteristic, and the writer also has mixed feelings on these characters manner, containing appreciation and criticism, sympathy and disdains. The reason that the writer makes a scrutiny into this kind of manner are the reform and open policy environment and the writer own experience. The philistine character in Chili ’works has the very high esthetics value, at the same time also has some flaws and the insufficiency.
Key words: Chili; philistine; image



    上一篇:论《怎么办》中的新人形象 下一篇:没有了