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清新典雅 情理兼具—从《往事》看冰心散文

2015-02-14 01:06
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,清新典雅 情理兼具—从《往事》看冰心散文在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘   要



Bing Xin is a remarkable language art master,In the process  of her creation of prose, relies on deep literature tutelage as well as the rich artistic talent of herself, founded the prose language of "the bing xin body" belonged to herself. This language is fresh and elegant, even actually is full of the cordiality in vain, has the temperament to be beautiful, richly contained the philosophy deep righteousness,Bing Xin has composed the exquisite and interesting prose music with such language. This kind of prose language of Bing Xin, just like the skylark which in beautiful, the brilliant spring scenery sings, by its artistic charm, infect and inspire the reader of generation to generation.
Key words: Bing Xin; prose language; brisk; elegant; prosaic; affection; aesthetic tonality; philosophy


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