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2015-02-21 01:06
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,有才何尝能补天——探春论样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘   要



    This text generally announces the typical significance of Tan Chun’s figure from normal human feelings. Tan Chun is a rare daughter with graceful in inclination, and also is an ancient women’s headdress reformer, who has a sharp mind crisis at the same time. The relation between Tan Chun and Zhao, which is an odd-shaped relations of mother and daughter kindred and dutiful abnormality. Just because of such relation, it is easily to demonstrate Tan Chun’s existence among the castle of Jia can’t help but even more. Born in last phase, refined by era and limitation of class, not only unable to change destiny of the castle of Jia’s decline. Therefore, we can say Tan Chun’s image in the article has strong tragic color, even her will more farsighted, just more shrewd, she also can’t keep up on the destiny of the castle of Jia which declined to fall down soon. Talent can’t keep up on the declined tendency!
    Key words: Tan Chun; Talent and wisdom; Keep up on the decling tendency (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.Com编辑整理)

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