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2015-03-12 02:32
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,高觉新与孙少安形象比较样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要 高觉新和孙少安


摘   要



     Gao Juexin and Sun Shaoan is the eldest son image in the novels.The former present in  "Turbulent current Three Inchworms" createad by Bajin, the other is showed in Lu Yao’s "Ordinary World" . As the eldest son image molds which as in the different time background and the social atmosphere, they have the different responsibility to accept, different love manner, different self-sacrifice and different value pursue and so on. However, they are both the eldest son, they have many similarities,such as: the intense responsibility consciousness, ambiguity personality, sad supple weak behavior pattern and so on . Their thought already accumulate into one kind of national psychology,since they were instilled by Chinese tradition feudalistic for a long time. Along with societys development, the respected family disintegrates gradually, but the people are been contradictory feudalistic thinking influence certain dispositions still exist actually, the different time eldest sons disposition has inherits the nature. "The eldest son" must get rid of the serious old culture "the cross" but true to do oneself, releases for flight, development, not only needs to remould the self- disposition, but also needs the entire social the endeavor, the struggle will be carried through to the end.


Key words: Eldest son image; Cultural character; Feudal; Self-selection


    上一篇:冲破孤独的囚笼—论《百年孤独》的孤独症 下一篇:没有了