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2015-03-22 01:03
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论柳永词的俗与雅样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

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Liuyong will be one of big excellent poets which two Song jambic verses worlds most focuses attention on, also was at that time the most popular excellent poet, his words once created "every to have the well Drinks water place, namely could song Liu’ words" unprecedented grand occasion, however he also was one of excellent poets which two Song jambic verses worlds most received disputed. The argument focal point concentrates in above the Liuyong’s words elegant vulgar question. This article will reveal the Liuyong’s word both to have vulgarly and has elegant one side at the same time. Liu’s words vulgar mainly displays in the theme content writes the prostitute to live much, sings the common custom females aspiration, the performance common custom females life desire; Makes every effort direct-viewing in the expression means Direct-viewing, does not strive for to contain, does not suppose compared to is popular reposing, friendly narrates with the shop; In the language the multi- uses marketplace vulgar word slang, receives the populace residents welcome. The Liuyong’s words elegant word creation mainly will concentrate will enter Shi after him, his elegant words by vulgarly returns elegantly, elegant energetic micro, its will be massive outstanding lives abroad the word and the city life word is the best proof 大学排名
Key words: Liuyong’s words; Vulgar; Elegance

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