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2015-04-17 01:01
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,《雷雨》戏剧冲突之我见样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要 《雷雨》中存在


摘   要



Thunderstorm in the dramaturgy has many conflict of dramaturgy. This article has made the outline separately to the following conflict, has: Lu Gui and Si Fei conflict; Zhou Puyuan and  Lu Dahai, Shi Ping, Fan Yi three between conflict; Fan Yi and Zhou Ping conflict, and so on. The educational world studies Thunderstorm the main conflict of dramaturgy opinion to be very many. But, each commentary all stresses take conflicts the performance intense degree as the basis, which judges to the conflict is the main conflict of dramaturgy. This is owes accurately, owes comprehensively. This article through using the Marxist philosophy principle determined the main conflict of dramaturgy the graduated arm decides the standard and the principle, and differentiates the principal contradiction conflict and the main conflict of dramaturgy: Thunderstorm the main conflict of dramaturgy is Fan Yi and Zhou Ping conflict, because this most can hold audiences heart to the contradiction, most can manifest the work the main thought, also most can display characters disposition; But the principal conflict of contradictory is leading and decided other contradictory roles, should display are two groups of conflicts, namely take Zhou Puyuan as a conflict side, he which constitutes with Fan Yi, with Shi Ping between the duckweed the conflict of contradictory.

(科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)

Key words: Thunderstorm; Conflict of contradictory; Principal conflict of contradictory; Conflict of dramaturgy; Main conflict of dramaturgy


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