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2015-05-02 01:39
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论安徒生童话里的象征世界论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘   要 安徒生是


摘   要




Anderson is a talented writer in fairy tale, is called “never getting older” in the child literary. Sympathy, happiness, growth is the eternal subject in his fairy tale. He found how to display the self-turning point by using the special literature style in the fairy tale .The fairy tale is the creation to narrate, but also rich in imagination and the fantasy romanticism work .Narrates contradiction, fantasy and reality contradiction has to express in the symbolic way. The symbol is the fairy tale creation one important way which fuses the fantasy and the reality, also is the fairy tale creation model unique technique. Only is, in Andersons fairy tale, when he uses for symbolizes self-, actually has some to belong to the Anderson characteristic. From this, it constituted an important characteristic in Anderson fairy tale-self-symbol, which accompanies Anderson to grow up, is also is a powerful summary in Anderson fairy tale. The Anderson fairy tale becomes a part of children childhood memory. Everyone who reads the fairy tale world think so-reading the Anderson fairy tale is like accepting the purification of our mind. Anderson tells us: The fairy tale will never die. Anderson is “really the swan” hovering in the world literature. (转载自http://zw.NSEAC.com科教作文网)
Key words: Anderson; Fairy tale; Symbolic



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