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2015-05-02 01:39
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论语文教学中听说读写能力的论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:  摘   要 中学语文教


摘   要



The Chinese teaching of middle school is the most basic teaching in the secondary school education, the cultivation of ability of Chinese is the foundation that all other ability train. Train four kinds of ability of students hearing,speaking,reading and writing to be one of the tasks of Chinese teaching of middle school. How this text trains four kinds of ability of students hearing,speaking,reading and writing to be four parts: Part one Mainly introduce how to cultivate the ability to " listen to "; Part two Mainly introduce how to cultivate the ability to " say "; Part three Mainly introduce how to cultivate the ability to " read "; Part four Mainly introduce how to cultivate the ability to " read ". The improvement of ability of hearing,speaking,reading and writing, is favorable to the overall improvement of students Chinese quality, facilitate the improvement of students overall qualities too.
Key words: The language teaching; language ability;
Listening , speaking , reading and writing


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