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遗世香墨红樱魂 碾断浮生

2015-06-21 01:08
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,遗世香墨红樱魂 碾断浮生样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要 南唐后主李


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The Southern Tang Dynasty host Li Yu is famous by the word. From the Southern Tang Dynasty until now, the word recounting own innermost feelings with pureness ,affection, free from vulgarity. Straightness and something about hometown. Li Yu who was born in Jinling has benefited from hometown. He spent parts of time to stay in the south small country with the Wu and Yue kingdoms culture: the birth、newly marriage、to take a crown until Southern Tang  pynasty perishes, whatever the condition is good or bad. Therefore, he also never stop thinking of his hometown in the two years when Li Yu lived in BianLiang. This just like Heidegger said: “The inherent responsibility for a poet is returning home, which cause the nativeland to become intimate with the source. ”so, during the later period his word manifests seeking the source. This article tries to know the artistic feature from the Li Yu’s life, I classified it into four points: (1)The changes of Li Yu’s life experience and the lyrical art style of the word.(2)Eternal classics-The inner question for “life” and “destiny” in the word Li Yu’s old days.(3) Simple outline drawing art by pouring emotion into the plot. (4) Other shore flower - dream and reality dual life experience. (转载自http://zw.nseac.coM科教作文网)
Key words: Li Yu; Life; Artistic feature



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